The Systematic Approach

A person live way through his system.  The guy can set a goal as a jewel and fall astray to be seen as the fool.  Goals are for losers. A goal set 30 days away must be lost 29 time before achieving that goal – if the loser is able to achieve it at all.  To focus on the future is a lofty bit faulty.  This would steer away from the present and away from your initial intention of reaching your goal.  The paradox is real and the failure cycle persists.  Only in the mans own conviction and burning desire of achieving his goal will he succeed after failing each day until then.  The man with the same conviction and burning desire could achieve his goal with more enthusiasm and victory than the former.  A system will incorporate repetition and consideration and allow time away when the aim isn’t practical in the present.  Focus win in the system.  The man carrying the distraction of a goal will fail many times and may never succeed at all.  The person with the system has focus, conviction and application of repetition which will spawn success and success leads to motivation and motivation leads to more success. The snowball is just as real.  More present; less distracted.  System is to win and goal is to lose.  Repetition and muscle memory are in the systems repertoire.